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We have been working on getting this shoot done since last September. The day for the shoot finally came and so did the rainy forecast! At the last minute, we moved the shoot up as early as we could. It was a gray day with sprinkles, but we were able to spend a full hour […]

April 30, 2022

Family, Portraits

The Woolards on the farm


I love shooting this family and get the sweetest interactions when I just let Kaden and Dawson just play and be silly. Their love for each other shows in every single image. Enjoy these highlights from our time together last weekend!

April 10, 2022

Family, Portraits

the dodson family


These special family photos were taken on Greg & Kaylee’s new land in Everettes. They plan to build there one day. Baby Lillian was just two weeks old. She had the most perfect little head and gorgeous hair. Griffin gave her kisses and was so sweet to her. I love this sweet family! It’s so […]

April 10, 2022

Family, Portraits

webb family on the farm


Enjoy these favorites from my pre-Thanksgiving shoot with the Lilley family. I’ve never seen so many beautiful eyes. What sweet families!! 1Melanie Price Wynne1 CommentLikeCommentShare

November 24, 2021


Pre-Thanksgiving Extended Family Shoot-


I love this sweet family! I first met Kaylee & Greg when they were expecting Griffin. Now Griffin is one and they are expecting another baby in March! Enjoy these highlights from our fun shoot in Williamston yesterday. Also, there should be some additional images from our shoot that Kaylee will post to share the […]

November 21, 2021


Fall farm family shoot – Webb Family


Jones is family but I don’t get to see him often. It was so fun to spend time with him and get to see all the family members he reminds me of! Obviously, Gary and Roger were at the top of the list, with a smile like Daylin. Boy, we laughed a lot! Can’t share […]

May 8, 2021


Farm Senior Session – Jones Manning


Give me all the cotton and this family any time! Now, go ahead and say “awwww”.

November 6, 2020

Latest sessions, Portraits

Lilley Family in the Cotton


Kaylee & I had to reschedule our session many times due to the weather. Rain was in the forecast again for Monday but since this was a maternity session, we decided we had better just take a chance and go for it! We had no time to waste! It absolutely poured before and after our […]

June 24, 2020

Latest sessions, Maternity

Kaylee & Greg